Sunday, February 6, 2011

Postman video

  In both Amusing Ourselves to Death and Dr. Postman's interview, he discusses the changes that are taking place in the medium of communication. In the book, he tells that his book examines "the decline of the Age of Typography and the ascendancy of the Age of Television". In other words, he explains how as time advances, our society will use written works less and less. Instead, everything will change into televised events. In the video, Postman also predicts how people will change in the future. He quotes the author who wrote Being Digital, "In the next millennium we will find we are talking with, as much or more, machines as human beings." Postman predicts that people will begin talk to door knobs and toasters as if it is completely normal to talk to non-living objects. He claims that people are already beginning to do this by talking to their answering machines. Another argument he makes to convince his audience this will happen is that people adapt to many things. For example, a soldiers in war get used to killing and consider it the norm. In the same way, people will adapt to talking to machines. Postman gets across the same point in the book and the video, the changes taking place in society are steps backward, not forward.
   The video and book also relate in that they both talk about the importance of image. During the interview, Postman expresses his belief that in the near future a human being will be cloned. A sheep and monkey have already been cloned. He also discusses the idea that every human born will have a clone that they lock up and if the person every needs a kidney or other body part for a transplant, they will take it from their clone. In the book, Postman says that TV newscasters spend more energy on appearance than on reading their scripts. He also mentions "cheating" for or magazines. The picture shown on the front cover of a magazine is not an accurate portrayal of their actual appearance. His point is clear in both the video and book, and our concern with image instead of knowledge will destroy us.

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