Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter 11

In the concluding paragraph of "Amusing Ourselves To Death" Postman informs us that education and disaster have unfortunately become an inseparable piece in today's society. Television is trying to educate and inform the youth at the same time, but the two cannot co-exist.  Television is meant for entertainment, not education. However, many fail to realize the regressing effects television has and it is taking a negative toll on the intelligence of our society. We become reliant, almost addicted, to entertainment. There is no extensive thinking necessary or any previous knowledge required on the topic of the minute. Today's society believes that most everything should be televised, including entertainment. But will the children remember anything if it is not funny? Or if it is, will they think history or math is funny? Modern Society=entertainment will make the future. Truth=entertainment will ruin the future. 

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